Natalie Lisbona

‘Hamas has taken my brother and the world is silent'
Ilan, brother of captured Israeli Avera Mengistu, says human rights organisations have ignored their plight

'We're not going to cancel Gay pride': Meeting the ministers of Israel's new government
Despite diaspora criticism, controversial new ministers claim they'll represent all Israelis

Drawn to perfection: Welcome to Israel's first 2D cafe
The Sketch Café in Haifa, created using 1,000 black marker pens, feels like a drawing or comic book that you can walk into

It’s odd to be backing same team at the World Cup as Hamas, say Moroccan Jews
Some tell the JC of their pride at the team reaching the semi-final this week, others voice unease over the team identifying itself so prominently with the Palestinian cause

I can ‘persuade’ Kanye to shut up, says Israeli martial arts star
MMA fighter Natan Levy also warned Jews need to learn self-defence as West’s millions of social media followers 'outnumber' the world’s Jewish population

'I'm scared to go to school': 17-year-old speaks out after Jerusalem bombing
'We all ran away screaming': Yaelle Estikangi was getting off the bus on her way to school when the bomb went off

Terrorists behind double bus attack in Jerusalem believed to be 'home-grown' radicals
Israeli police are treating the blasts as a co-ordinated mission

From robot burgers to sea-free seafood: Israel’s top ten food inventions
Some 70 Israeli food-tech startups displayed their innovations at Food Tech Il 2022 in Tel Aviv - here are our highlights

Tonnes of harmful plastics are blighting Israel’s top beaches
Food packaging, single-use plastic products and fishing nets are among the main pollutants

Next up, Israel makes the moon bloom
UK-born Israeli scientist heads team that will send a tray of seeds and plants into space

Diaspora Jews must toughen up, says Israeli UFC champ
Natan Levy, the only Israeli competing in the Ultimate Fighting Championship martial arts competition, says learning self-defence as a child helped him protect friends from antisemitic bullies

‘I told President Biden that he reminded me of my husband’
Holocaust survivor photographed speaking with the US President reveals the details of their conversation at Yad Vashem

Eerie 3000 year old curse unearthed in Jerusalem
A newly deciphered stone reveals that 3,300 years ago the governor of Jerusalem was the target of a terrifying curse

Life-affirming resilience of city just 15 seconds away from Hamas rockets
Sderot is a symbol of Israeli resilience as it thrives in spite of terror attacks

Syrian refugees have fresh, clean water thanks to Israel invention
The mobile plants can produce up to 6,000 litres a day,

Expat Brits bring out the bunting in Israel to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee
Britons in Israel are preparing for a right old jolly knees-up to celebrate the British monarch's milestone
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