
Israel-critic and ‘Squad’ member Cori Bush defeated in Democratic primary

Cori Bush was attacked by AIPAC for her stance on the Israel-Hamas war


Rep. Cori Bush (Getty Images)

A harsh critic of Israel and member of the so-called “Squad” of progressive Democrats in the US Congress was defeated in a primary challnege on Tuesday night.

Representative Cori Bush was defeated by Wesley Bell, a St. Louis county prosecutor, in the Missouri 1st Congressional District Democratic primary.

Pro-Israel group the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) congratulated Bell “for his consequential victory over an incumbent anti-Israel detractor.”

“Once again, a progressive pro-Israel Democrat has prevailed over a candidate who represents the extremist fringe that is hostile to the Jewish state,” AIPAC stated.

“Bush is the second Squad member to have been soundly rejected by voters—after George Latimer defeated Jamaal Bowman just a few weeks ago,” it said. “During this primary season, the pro-Israel mainstream has sent a powerful message that America stands with Israel as it battles Iranian terrorist proxies.”

American voters “are rejecting anti-Israel voices in favor of candidates who understand the vital importance of the U.S.-Israel relationship,” it added. “The outcome in this race—as in so many others—shows that the pro-Israel position is both good policy and good politics for both parties.”

Democratic Majority For Israel Public Affairs Committee (DMFI PAC), a group which helps pro-Israel candidates to Congress, also congratulated Bell. “Wesley Bell’s victory and Cori Bush’s defeat underscore what we’ve seen in races across the country and throughout this election cycle—being pro-Israel is not just wise policy, but also smart politics,” stated Mark Mellman, chairman of the PAC.

“There’s another valuable lesson in these results—Democrats do not want division or extremism,” Mellman added. “They want the kind of progressive results Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have delivered by bringing people together.”

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