Giles Coren
February 01, 2024 13:32

Would you eat Giles Coren’s lokshen pudding?
In his latest bid to cook his way back to Jewishness, Giles Coren attempts the classic Ashkenazi afters. It’s basically a rice pudding made with spaghetti, right?
November 23, 2023 14:17

Giles Coren's ultimate Saturday night supper test of Jewish tastes
There was only 25 minutes to prep and cook a family dinner that would be ready and delicious in ten hours’ time
September 28, 2023 15:49

My grandma’s egg and potato pie is delicious. But is it Jewish?
Giles Coren asks has anyone else ever heard of Rakott Krumpli?
July 20, 2023 15:56

Cooking my way back to the faith... with gefilte fish
Growing up, nothing made me feel more Jewish than eating fish balls
June 08, 2023 13:48

Giles Coren's chicken soup adventure
Our intrepid columnist's quest for a chicken with unlaid eggs to make the perfect broth
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